Do this. Get rich
By:"Jim Britt"
Published on by PT Niaga Swadaya
This Book was ranked 21 by Google Books for keyword usaha kecil laris.
Do this. Get rich
By:"Jim Britt"
Published on by PT Niaga Swadaya
This Book was ranked 21 by Google Books for keyword usaha kecil laris.
Bank, usaha kecil, dan pedesaan
By:"Krisna Wijaya"
Published on 2001 by
On banks and banking, and its role in small business and rural development in Indonesia; collection of articles.
This Book was ranked 20 by Google Books for keyword usaha kecil laris.
A Life Less Ordinary
By:"Baby Halder"
Published on 2009-10-13 by Harper Collins
When she was very young, Baby Halder was abandoned by her mother and left with a cruel, abusive father. She was married off at twelve to a man twice her age who beat her. At fourteen, she was a mother herself. Her early life was marked by overwhelming challenges and heartbreak until, exhausted and desperate, she fled with her three children to Delhi, to work as a maid in some of the city's wealthiest homes. Expected to serve her employers' every demand, she faced a staggering workload that often left her no time to care for her own children. But she never complained, for such is the lot of the poor in modern-day India. Written without a trace of self-pity, A Life Less Ordinary is a shocking look deep inside a world of poverty and subjugation that few outsiders know about—and an inspiring true story of one remarkable woman's strength, courage, and determination to soar above her circumstances.
This Book was ranked 35 by Google Books for keyword usaha kecil laris.
Good News from Indonesia: Beragam Prestasi Anak Bangsa di Dunia
By:"Akhyari Hananto"
Published on 2013-01-01 by Galangpress Publisher
Diakui atau tidak, kini banyak orang Indonesia yang tanpa ragu dan penuh semangat mengolok-olok bangsanya sendiri, mencaci-maki, menyalahkan pemerintah, bahkan mengecap Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara gagal. Semua itu mennunjukkan bahwa banyak orang telah pesimis memandang Indonesia. Kita sudah mengetahui segala jenis masalah dan ancaman yang menderita dan mengancam Indonesia. Semuanya tersaji di berita-berita TV dan media massa yang lain. Namun, tidak banyak dari kita yang menyadari dan mendapatkan informasi bahwa di sela-sela berbagai masalah yang membelit tersebut, bermunculan prestasi-prestasi anak bangsa, pencapaian-pencapaian di bidang ekonomi, sosial budaya, dan sejarah bangsa yang panjang, serta keunikan ragam budaya nusantara yang membanggakan. Inilah yang kadang kala tidak diangkat oleh media mainstream di Indonesia yang lebih memilih berita yang \
This Book was ranked 3 by Google Books for keyword usaha kecil laris.
Published on 1997 by
This Book was ranked 23 by Google Books for keyword laris dagang.
Pencatatan Keu. Dagang Org2 Awam +CD
Published on by Elex Media Komputindo
This Book was ranked 17 by Google Books for keyword laris dagang.
Tresna atas Tresna
By:"Nasjah Djamin"
Published on 1983 by
This Book was ranked 38 by Google Books for keyword laris dagang.
The Accidental Bestseller
By:"Wendy Wax"
Published on 2009-06-02 by Penguin
From the USA Today bestselling author of While We Were Watching Downton Abbey... Once upon a time four aspiring authors met at their very first writers' conference. Ten years later they're still friends, survivors of the ultra-competitive New York publishing world. Mallory St. James is a workaholic whose bestsellers support a lavish lifestyle. Tanya Mason is a single mother juggling two jobs, two kids, and too many deadlines. Faye Truett is the wife of a famous televangelist and the author of inspirational romances: no one would ever guess her explosive secret. Kendall Aims's once-promising career is on the skids-and so is her marriage. Her sales are dismal, her new editor detests her work-and her husband is cheating. Barely able to think, let alone meet her final deadline, Kendall holes up in a mountain cabin to confront a blank page and a blanker future. But her friends won't let her face this trial alone. Together they collaborate on a novel using their own lives as fodder, assuming no one will ever discover the truth behind their words. No one is more surprised than they are when the book becomes a runaway bestseller. But with success comes scrutiny and these four best friends suddenly realize how little they've truly known each other.
This Book was ranked 33 by Google Books for keyword toko online laris.
By:"F. Widayanto"
Published on 1995 by
This Book was ranked 6 by Google Books for keyword laris manis.
Peluang Usaha Untuk Ibu Rumah Tangga Modal 1 Juta
Published on by Pustaka Grhatama
This Book was ranked 18 by Google Books for keyword usaha laris.
By:"Dewi Lestari"
Published on by Typhoon Media Ltd
Supernova: The Knight, The Princess and the Falling Star presents a series of intertwined and unconventional love stories, straight and gay, with a bit of science and spirituality added to the mix. The major characters are young, urban, and technologically highly aware. They are caught up in major forms of contemporary social conflict. The work has been highly acclaimed. The poet Taufiq Ismail has written: \
This Book was ranked 40 by Google Books for keyword usaha kecil laris.
Akuntansi & Pelaporan Keuangan
Published on by Grasindo
This Book was ranked 7 by Google Books for keyword laris dagang.
Urip mung mampir ngguyu
By:"Sidik Jatmika"
Published on 2009 by Kanisius
Humor and folklore from Yogyakarta.
This Book was ranked 40 by Google Books for keyword usaha laris.
By:"Iwok Abqary"
Published on 2008-11-01 by GagasMedia
TIKIL (titipan kilat) cabang Tasikmalaya terancam tutup karena bangkrut. Bisa jadi ini gara-gara empat karyawannya yang gokil. Lilis, sang resepsionis, selalu mengidolakan Adjie Massaid. Dasep sebagai kurir selalu sial, dan nabrak nggak jelas. Mang Dirman, yang juga berprofesi kurir, sayang banget dengan sepeda bututnya. Kusmin, sang OB, selalu menganggap dirinya superheroÑsigap lari pas sirene pemadam kebakaran berbunyi! Apa TIKIL perlu bos baru? Nah, lho, Pak Pri sebagai bos baru justru lebih suka masak di kantor daripada ngurus kerjaan. HuuuaaÉ gimana, dong, caranya TIKIL lolos dari krisis? -GagasMedia-
This Book was ranked 35 by Google Books for keyword usaha laris.
99 Mimpi Buruk Fotografer Kawinan
By:"Bima Adhitya"
Published on 2016-09-11 by Bomanta
Tahukah Anda, Bahwa Ribuan Fotografer di Indonesia Menyatakan Tidak Mampu Lagi Menggantungkan Hidupnya dari Usaha Wedding Photography? Bagaimana Agar Usaha Wedding Photography Anda Bisa Memberikan Kehidupan Yang Nyaman Sama Dengan Atau Bahkan Lebih Baik Daripada Orang-Orang Yang Bekerja Kantoran? Bagaimana Caranya Agar Anda Bisa Dibayar Ribuan Dollar Untuk Setiap Pemotretan Pre Wedding dan Wedding Oleh Klien-Klien Dari Seluruh Penjuru Dunia Sekalipun Anda Tinggal di Kota Kecil di Indonesia? Bagaimana Caranya Agar Anda Bisa Motret ke Luar Negeri sekalipun anda belum pernah mengunjungi negara yang dituju? Saya Akan Buka Rahasia, Bagaimana Menjadikan Wedding Photography Menjadi Sebuah Bisnis Yang 100% Menguntungkan dengan Cara Yang Tidak Pernah Dilakukan Oleh Kebanyakan Fotografer sebelumnya… PERHATIAN: Ini bukan bicara tentang bisnis foto level “kacangan” dan cara yang akan saya tunjukkan adalah sah dan bisa dilakukan oleh siapapun anda yang Bermental Bajadan mau bertekad mempelajari Mindset Fotografer Wedding Kelas Dunia untuk menembus Blue Ocean Market dimana para klien-klien yang termasuk di dalamnya justru rela menghamburkan ribuan dollar untuk meng-hire fotografer lokal dimanapun mereka berada. Teman-teman Fotografer yang baik, Sebelumnya saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh fotografer yang telah memperoleh manfaat dari materi ini baik dengan membaca eBook maupun mengikuti seminar fotografi saya di Malaysia, Yogyakarta, dan Magelang. Senang sekali ketika mendengar testimoni melalui email dan whatsapp bahwa mulai banyak fotografer di Indonesia yang mampu menjual karyanya dengan harga 2 – 3 kali lipat lebih tinggi baik kepada klien Indonesia maupun Internasional hingga mereka menjadi semakin yakin bahwa wedding photography adalah bisnis nyata yang bisa dijadikan pegangan untuk menghidupi keluarga tercintanya. Kurangnya pengetahuan tentang cara menjual foto dan mindset layaknya fotografer wedding kelas dunia menjadi sebab utama bangkrutnya sebuah bisnis fotografi seseorang dan kemudian membuat mereka terpaksa menutup usaha wedding photography mereka selamanya. Kebanyakan fotografer berpikir bahwa semakin murah paket harga yang ditawarkan maka akan semakin laris ordernya padahal anda tahu sendiri banyak sekali fotografer baik di Indonesia dan di luar negeri yang memotret pre wedding maupun wedding hingga lintas negara seperti Prancis, Maldives, Singapura, bahkan Eropa dan Amerika, dimana kalau anda pikir sepintas saja harga pemotretan mereka tidak mungkin murah! Tidak perduli anda ikut wedding expo, iklan di majalah, iklan di Facebook atau Google Adwords, tapi 1 hal sederhana yang perlu anda ketahui untuk bisa hidup nyaman dari usaha wedding photography adalah ANDA HARUS MAMPU MENJUAL KARYA ANDA, Titik! Bagi sahabat fotografer yang belum sempat mengikuti seminar wedding photography saya, anda bisa membaca eBook “99 Mimpi Buruk Fotografer Kawinan” (99MBFK) ini dimana materi yang ada di dalamnya 100% sama dengan yang sudah saya bawakan di dalam seminar dan workshop fotografi. Salam Bima Adhitya
This Book was ranked 28 by Google Books for keyword usaha laris.
Wirausahawan tahan banting
By:"Budut W. Andibya","Yoyok Widoyoko"
Published on 2007 by
Success stories of Indonesian small entrepreneurs.
This Book was ranked 12 by Google Books for keyword usaha laris.
Modifikasi kebaya
Published on 2001 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama
This Book was ranked 34 by Google Books for keyword usaha laris.
The 100
By:"Michael H. Hart"
Published on 1978 by Citadel Press
In 1978, when Hart's controversial book THE 100 was first published, critics objected that Hart had the nerve not only to select who he thought were the most influential people in history, but also to rank them according to importance. Needless to say the critics were wrong, & 60,000 copies of the book have been sold. Hart believed that in the intervening years the influence of his original selections had waxed and waned and that new names loomed large on the world stage: thus the publication this updated edition of THE 100.
This Book was ranked 27 by Google Books for keyword toko online laris.
Kursus Singkat Usaha Rumah Makan Laris Manis
Published on by Elex Media Komputindo
This Book was ranked 1 by Google Books for keyword usaha kecil laris.
How to get into the entertainment business
By:"Ron Tepper"
Published on 2006 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama
This Book was ranked 38 by Google Books for keyword usaha laris.
The Long Tail
Published on by Gramedia Pustaka Utama
This Book was ranked 35 by Google Books for keyword laris dagang.
I Love You, Ayah
By:"Soekanto SA"
Published on 2009-06-01 by DAR! Mizan
This Book was ranked 13 by Google Books for keyword laris manis.
My first triangle love
Published on 2005 by Niaga Swadaya
This Book was ranked 19 by Google Books for keyword laris dagang.
The Kill Order
By:"James Dashner"
Published on 2013-12-05 by Chicken House
When sun flares hit the Earth, intense heat, toxic radiation and flooding followed, wiping out much of the human race. Those who survived live in basic communities in the mountains, hunting for food. For Mark and his friends, surviving is difficult, and then an enemy arrives, infecting people with a highly contagious virus. Thousands die, and the virus is spreading. Worse, it's mutating, and people are going crazy. It's up to Mark and his friends to find the enemy - and a cure - before the Flare infects them all ...
This Book was ranked 39 by Google Books for keyword toko online laris.
Warta ekonomi
Published on 2004-05 by
This Book was ranked 10 by Google Books for keyword usaha laris.