Rabu, 28 Maret 2018

Inside Coca-Cola

Inside Coca-Cola
By:"Neville Isdell","David Beasley"
Published on 2011-10-25 by St. Martin's Press

The first book by a Coca-Cola CEO tells the remarkable story of the company's revival Neville Isdell was a key player at Coca-Cola for more than 30 years, retiring in 2009 as CEO after regilding the tarnished brand image of the world's leading soft-drink company. This first book by a Coca-Cola CEO tells an extraordinary personal and professional world-wide story, ranging from Northern Ireland to South Africa to Australia, the Philippines, Russia, Germany, India, South Africa and Turkey. Isdell helped put out huge public relations fires (India and Turkey), opened markets(Russia, Eastern Europe, Philippines and Africa), championed Muhtar Kent, the current Turkish-American CEO, all while living the ideal of corporate responsibility. Isdell's, and Coke's, story is newsy without being gossipy; principled without being preachy. Inside Coca-Cola is filled with stories and lessons appealing to anybody who has ever taken \

This Book was ranked 39 by Google Books for keyword usaha kecil laris.

Jualan Laris & Beli Aman Buat Agan2 di Forum Jual/Beli Kaskus

Jualan Laris & Beli Aman Buat Agan2 di Forum Jual/Beli Kaskus
By:"J. Setyaji & Agus W."
Published on by MediaKita

This Book was ranked 4 by Google Books for keyword laris manis.

Beyond Reengineering

Beyond Reengineering
By:"Michael Hammer"
Published on 2009-06-02 by Harper Collins

Reengineering has captured the imagination of managers and shareholders alike, sending corporations on journeys of radical business redesign that have already begun to transfigure global industry. Yet aside from earning them improvements in their business performance, the shift into more-process-centered organizations is causing fundamental changes in the corporate world, changes that business leaders are only now beginning to understand. What will the revolutions final legacy be? Beyond Reengineering addresses this question, exploring reengineering's effects on such areas as: Jobs: What does process-centering do to the nature of jobs? What does a process-centered workplace feel like? Managers: What is the new role of the manager in a process-centered company? Education: What skills are vital in the process-centered working world, and how can young or inexperienced workers prepare? Society: What are the implications of process-centering for employment and the economy as a whole? Investment: What are the characteristics of a successful 21st-century corporation? An informed look at one of the most profound changes to ever sweep the corporate world, Beyond Reengineering is the business manual for the 21st century.

This Book was ranked 37 by Google Books for keyword toko online laris.

Selasa, 27 Maret 2018

Marry me! Or Never!

Marry me! Or Never!
By:"Jamil Azzaini","Farid Poniman","Ahmad Sholahuddin An-Nabhani","Nabila Jauda"
Published on 2015-01-27 by Mizan Mizania

?Pacaran adalah simbol tidak komitmennya lelaki, sedangkan menikah adalah tanda bahwa lelaki ingin serius dan mempunyai komitmen, menghormati wanita, juga menghormati ayahnya yang selama ini bertanggung jawab kepadanya.? ?Felix Y. Siauw, pengusaha, dai, penulis buku-bukuÿmega-bestseller, aktivis dakwah ?Selamat mempersiapkan diri, selamat menjemput keharmonisan pernikahan Anda.ÿMarry me! Or NEVER!? ?@canunkamil & @fufuelmart,ÿromantic couple, penulis buku-bukuÿbestseller ?Nikah muda tak hanya sekadar mencari kenikmatan, tapi juga keridhaan.? ?@DewaEkaPrayoga,ÿbusiness coach, penulisÿbestseller,ÿfounderÿ& CEO Billionaire Coach ?Bagi siapa saja yang emang udah siap untuk nikah muda,ÿsok manggaÿdiikhtiarkan, karena ternayata saya sendiringgakÿbahagia dengan menikah diusia muda.? ?Asri Fitriasari, biasa dipanggil Achi, profesi sampingan MC dan menulis, profesi utama mengurus anak dan suami ?Nikah itu mudah, maka permudahlah. Jangan dipersulit!? ?Surya Kresnanda,ÿcoach leadership, pemilik sekolah,ÿtrainer [Mizan, Nikah, Muda, Ibadah, Islam, Indonesia]

This Book was ranked 12 by Google Books for keyword toko online laris.

Selasa, 20 Maret 2018

Brain Genetic Potential

Brain Genetic Potential
By:"Beni Badaruzaman, ST"
Published on 2015-03-26 by Mizan Mizania

Mengapa banyak anak yang SUSAH DISURUH BELAJAR dan BERPRESTASI? Pertanyaan ini adalah CURHAT yang selalu disampaikan oleh orangtua tentang anak. Padahal, yang perlu disadari orangtua adalah BAGAIMANA CARA MENGATASINYA, karena menurut pakar pendidikan: \

This Book was ranked 9 by Google Books for keyword toko online laris.

Selasa, 06 Maret 2018

Mantra UANG dari Wordpress Blog 2.0

Mantra UANG dari Wordpress Blog 2.0
By:"Aldian Prakoso"
Published on by Grasindo

This Book was ranked 28 by Google Books for keyword toko online laris.

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2018

Becoming young entrepreneur

Becoming young entrepreneur
Published on 2005 by Elex Media Komputindo

This Book was ranked 17 by Google Books for keyword usaha laris.